Sophia & Caleb videos.... can we say "conTROLLLLLing"!?
No "my little pony"? My niece, never a JW, had her JW grandparents visit, they showed her that Sparlock video, and in just one day, they had her afraid of her toys!
If ice cream cones are $1, and all JWs gave $1 a day, that's $8 million a day! GB's have fancy suits, fly first class, eat out.
I saw a video of a boy who told his story at a convention, of how he sold his 4-H calf, just to donate to the Society for Warwick, while the WT spends $4,000 a day to pay the court because they don't want to obey the law! Made me cry....
No make believe? The Society puts that green blobby thing in the background in that one video.... Scary!
I'm glad they made those videos... you get to see the mentality of the WT very easily! Thank you Borg!